Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tree Swing Diagrams

the tree swing or tire swing diagrams:

The famous tree swing picture (also known as tyre swing, tire swing, rope swing) depicting tyre (or tire) and rope swing in various states of dysfunctionality, illustrates the pitfalls of poor product design, or poor customer service, and the dangers of failing to properly listen to customers and interpret their needs. The tree swing also demonstrates the dangers of departmental barriers, and failures of departments to talk to each other, and to talk to customers. As such, the tree swing is perfect for training these areas of quality, communications, customer care and inter-departmental relations. If you are using the tree swing to highlight a training subject most people very readily interpret the pictures into their own organisational situations. Some tree swing discussion points are at the foot of the page.

the tree swing

what marketing suggested tree swing  - marketing
what management approved tree swing - management
as designed by engineering tree swing - engineering
what was manufactured tree swing - manufacturing
as maintenance installed it tree swing - maintenance
what the customer wanted tree swing - customer

tree swing (or tyre/tire swing) discussion points

Normally no pointers are needed - people very readily interpret the pictures into their own organisational situation. Here are a few typical 'them and us' reactions just in case:

of marketing - add unnecessary value, add complexity, bells and whistles, embellish, put their own mark onto things, fanciful, impractical, untested, untried, creativity for creativity's sake, subjective not objective, theoretical not practical, clever ideas, think they know what's best for the customers even if the survey feedback is utterly clear, fail to consult with engineering, production and anyone else in the organisation.

of management - cost-conscious, process-led rather than output-aware, failure to understand and interpret real issues and implications, failure to ask questions, committee decisions produce impractical solutions, removed from reality, detached from customers and front-line staff, failure to consult with users and functional departments.

of engineering - technical interpretation rather than practical, unconcerned with aesthetics and ergonomics, consideration stops after the 'can we build it?' stage, lack of consultation with specifiers and user representatives, meets specification but doesn't work properly, inappropriate materials and absence of styling.

of manufacturing - production specification over-rides design considerations, a law unto themselves, you get what you're given, any colour you like as long as it's black, detached from users, specifiers, designers, and everyone else except other manufacturing staff, unconcerned with usability or functionality, certainly unconcerned with bells and whistles and added value, totally focused on production efficiency, cost and time, lack of liaison with all other departments.

of maintenance - necessity is the mother of invention, very big tool-boxes, huge stocks of parts and ancillaries, materials, nuts, bolts and all other fixings known to man, happy to work all hours, especially evenings, weekends and public holidays at treble-time-and-a-half with days off in lieu, never consult with specifiers or customer specifications, enjoy quick-fixes, sticky-tape, mastic, bending bracketry, planks of wood and extended tea-breaks, never liaise with any other departments and think management are all useless idiots who can't even change a plug.

of customers - if only we'd listened, understood, and checked with them once in a while......

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hot Hatches!!!

Hyundai is coming out with i20 diesel- 6 airbags an all...

expected to cost around 7.5 l OTR Bangalore

"Why are hot-hatches so darned expensive?"

Meanwhile check out - one of those clean sites

Friday, July 3, 2009

Angels & Demons

Watched Angels & Demons yesterday.Was kind of predictable... the twist at the end of it all
Guess Dan Brown wanted to make peace with his lord & the church.

What was difficult to digest was that a 5 kiloton bomb detonated at say about 2000 ft had so little damage. I remember reading somewhere that fat-man and lil boy (devices used on Hiroshima & Nagasaki) were detonated 2000ft above ground level for max impact...!!

First one....

lets start with..hmm - my poor BSNL net connection.

"Road construction going on, Cables are cut Saar.."

Numerous letters/escalations (by my dad) later, these guyz loan me a 22k CDMA WLL wireless modem-its chinese, but slick.

Modem works well,but the BSNL Tower has no electricity backup

Lesson 1: No use doing fancy things when u got your basics wrong.